Empower Your
Future with a
Bitcoin Savings Plan

My step-by-step programs 
will help you take control
of your savings and
create the security and freedom
you’ve been dreaming of.


Where Would You Like To Start?

Contact Me

Have questions about our programs or want to discuss your options? Reach out to set up a consultation and get personalized guidance. Whether you're interested in our courses or looking for tailored consulting services, I'm here to help you make informed decisions and achieve your goals. 

Contact Me

Buy the Course

Ready to take the next step in your Bitcoin journey? Purchase our comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed for long-term success. Learn at your own pace with expert instruction and practical insights.

Buy The Course

Download E-Books

Expand your knowledge with our range of e-books, available both for free and for purchase. From beginner guides to advanced strategies, these resources provide valuable insights to help you navigate the world of Bitcoin. Start learning today!

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The Peaceful Path to Modern-Day Strategies

More than ever, holding on to the purchasing power of our hard-earned money is vital to a comfortable future. Money left in savings accounts loses value to inflation as the cost of goods continues to rise. 

While bank fees and grocery bills chip away at the potential of retirement, Bitcoin has increased in value over the last 10 years at an average of 63% per year, outperforming the stock market, real estate, and gold by magnitudes.

Accumulating high-performing assets can add portfolio diversity and deliver returns that often outperform other assets. While short-term trading carries inherent risks and can lead to unnecessary losses, choosing quality assets with a long-term perspective can provide substantial benefits.

Learn how to accumulate Bitcoin on autopilot and maximize your potential with our expert insights.

  • Discover the decade’s highest-returning asset:
    Understand the value and potential.
  • Learn about taxation and legal ways to minimize it:
    Gain knowledge to keep more of your earnings.
  • See how the wealthy use simple strategies to succeed:
    Avoid stress and costly penalties.
  • Avoid common pitfalls:
    Learn from others' mistakes and clear examples from successful Bitcoiners.
  •  Protect your future savings confidently:
    Embrace self-custody with ease.

I welcome you to read the articles below for open insight into the features and benefits of converting traditional savings to Bitcoin. If this aligns with your intentions to protect and grow your savings, then I invite you to enroll in the course or reach out for a consultation.

Why Save In Bitcoin?

Why Money Matters

Consistent Wealth Building Strategy - DCA

Bitcoin vs. ETFs: Which Is Better?

Getting Started in Bitcoin

What Is Money?


I'm Kitty Howard

It was in 2018 when I was first introduced to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. This led me down a long and sometimes challenging path of researching and learning about money, the monetary system, markets, and macroeconomics—a journey I remain diligently on.

In the early days, my naivety cost me dearly. I made mistakes, not realizing how little I understood. For many, these early losses are the tuition fees for this wild ride and formative education.

Determined to learn, I intensified my focus, which even took me to El Salvador—the first country where Bitcoin became legal tender. I experienced firsthand how seamlessly Bitcoin could be used for everyday purchases, from car and home rentals to groceries, gas, and dining out.

My research culminated in several books, which now serve as the framework for the course and consulting services I offer. With a limited supply of Bitcoin available, I aim to shorten your learning curve and teach you how to acquire it securely through your own actions. I've seen too many people lose their savings by trusting strangers online who never returned their money. My program empowers you to manage everything yourself—it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your knowledge, I offer a wide range of products and services tailored to meet your needs. My offerings are continually expanding, and I have a network of excellent contacts and resources. If you don’t see exactly what you're looking for, I invite you to schedule a call to discuss personalized, bespoke solutions.

[email protected]

"Cautions concerning scams and protecting funds were especially helpful"

- Judy F.

"Last year, I stumbled through the confusing process of acquiring some digital assets. Oh, how I wish I had come across this sooner! Kitty does a fantastic job of making a complex topic understandable, and bolsters one's confidence to the point where the "leap" is not so intimidating. 5 stars!" 

Jason L.

"It is outlined and categorized in such a way that you can return to previous topics, even if out of order.  Thank you, Kitty!"

- Rebecca S.

Where Would You Like To Start?

Contact Me

Have questions about our programs or want to discuss your options? Reach out to set up a consultation and get personalized guidance. Whether you're interested in our courses or looking for tailored consulting services, I'm here to help you make informed decisions and achieve your investment goals. 

Contact Me

Buy the Course

Ready to take the next step in your Bitcoin journey? Purchase our comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed for long-term success. Learn at your own pace with expert instruction and practical insights.

Buy The Course

Download E-Books

Expand your knowledge with our range of e-books, available both for free and for purchase. From beginner guides to advanced strategies, these resources provide valuable insights to help you navigate the world of Bitcoin. Start learning today!

Download E-Books